Traditions are kept alive through the sharing of knowledge and its transmission from one person to the next. Arts Council Norway has therefore set up a knowledge bank to highlight the diversity of living traditions and traditional knowledge to be found in Norway.
The intangible cultural heritage encompasses customs and rituals, music, dance and oral narratives, as well as craft skills and knowledge of nature and the universe.
Share your knowledge
Do you have knowledge that you would like to share?
Arts Council Norway gratefully accepts contributions from all parts of the country and from different communities. We are particularly keen to highlight living traditions and traditional knowledge belonging to various minority communities. Join this collective grassroots effort!
Objectives of the Knowledge Bank
- To make different practices and expressions visible to a wider audience.
- To make people more knowledgeable about such traditions and practices.
- To provide information that boosts demand for customs and traditions with local roots.
- To raise the value placed on one’s own cultural heritage and that of others.
- To share best practice with regard to the preservation of knowledge.
Arts Council Norway’s role
The Knowledge Bank is a register of Norway’s intangible cultural heritage. Every country that ratifies UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage from 2003 has a duty to establish a register of its intangible cultural heritage. The Knowledge Bank is part of Arts Council Norway’s efforts to follow-up and publicise the convention in Norway.
Arts Council Norway has editorial responsibility for the Knowledge Bank. We reserve the right to remove articles that do not fit the website’s profile. Contributions that fail to comply with the rules for updating may also be deleted.